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​Empowering Individuals and Organizations With Creative, Heart-Centered Solutions

Two Days
16 Hours
The Basics of Psychedelic-Assisted Recovery for Coaches has been designed to empower recovery coaches by making them better informed, allowing them to be more understanding and supportive of people that use psychedelics as medicines.
Over three to four hours, we will explore:
What is Psychedelic-Assisted Recovery (PAR)?
​The History of PAR
Six Paths of the Intentional Use of Psychedelic Medicines
General Overview of Nine Psychedelic Medicines
Supportive Research in the Psychedelic/Recovery Space
Three Components of a Psychedelic Journey
Rapidly Changing Policy and Legalities in the United States
Is This Course for Me?
Participants must have completed Recovery Coach Academy, Recovery Support Specialist training, or any equivalent 30 hour (or more) curriculum for coaches. People in abstinence-based recovery with no intention of ever using psychedelic medicines are encouraged to participate.

​The History of the Workshop​
Parts of the workshop have been offered at the Multiple Pathways of Recovery Conference in Colorado Springs, Colorado (May 2022) and Punta Gorda, Florida (January 2023), as well as on a Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services webinar (May 2022) and a Community for Addiction Recovery webinar (August 2022). Recognizing that there wasn't enough time to cover all the information and to answer questions, the workshop evolved into almost four hours.​
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